2023.05 Homemaker Newsletter

2023.05 Homemaker Newsletter

2023.05 Homemaker Newsletter

May 2023 Edition

Family & Consumer Sciences
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Laurel County
200 County Extension Road | London, KY
(606) 864-4167

Laurel County Extension Homemakers
“We are so much more than you think!”

Mother’s come in all shapes and sizes. All mother figures should get to celebrate Mother’s Day. Grandmothers, God mothers, momma to be, foster moms even Aunts.
Happy Mother’s Day

-Lora Davidson, FCS Agent

Best Wishes for our May Birthdays!

Tanya Worley - May 2 (Laurel Silver Threads)
Natasha Chadwell - May4 (Mailbox)
Thelma Hilbert - May6 (Mountain Laurel Quilters)
Dee Bowling - May 7 (Laurel Silver Threads)
Sandy Painter - May 9 (Mountain Laurel Quilters)
Karen Davenport - May 10 (Busy Needles)
Adrienne Newberry - May 12 (Mountain Laurel Quilters)
Charlena George - May 14 (Mailbox)
Connie Wheeler - May 15 (Macedonia)
Patty Proffitt - May 19 (Laurel Silver Threads)
Faye Miracle - May 20 (Macedonia)
Laura Garrison - May21 (Mountain Laurel Quilters)
Phyllis Cunningham - May22 (Laurel Silver Threads)
April Gill - May 27 (Mailbox)
Sheila Dawson - May 30 (Sublimity)

Important Dates & Information

• KEHA State Meeting, May 9-11, 2023 Louisville
• Special Presentation New Beef Cuts by Dr. Rentfrow on May 22nd at 6pm
• Cook together Eat together May 23rd at 6pm & May 30th at 6pm Zoom
• Storybook Walk May 26th
• Office Closed May 29th
• Classes must be paid within 2 weeks from registration.

May C.L.A.S.S.

Stained Glass Pendant May 2nd @2-5pm & 6-9pm
Cricut Greeting Cards May 4th @ 6-8pm
KEHA State Meeting, May 9-11, 2023 Louisville
General Personal Safety May 15th @ 6pm
Walking Wednesday @2pm on May 3rd, 17th, 24th, 31st
Made by You- May 10th @ 10am-2pm
Crochet and Chat-May 16th @ 6pm
Laugh & Learn- May 16th @11am-12pm
Book Club-May 17th @12-1pm
Craft n’ Creation -May 18th @6pm
Learning New Cuts of Beef- May 24th @6pm
Cook Together Eat Together on May 23rd @6pm and May 30th @6pm (Zoom)
Story Book Walk May 26th @ 11am-2pm
Cooking Through the Calendar May 31st @10am
Office Closed-May 29th

Join us as we host a storybook walk at London’s Veteran’s Park. We will be there from May 24th, 11am to 2pm, so come anytime! This is an event that the whole family can enjoy. You will get the chance to walk through a storybook placed throughout the park. At the end, there will be goodies for everyone!



Laugh & Learn-June 6th @11am-12pm
Crochet and Chat- June 6th @6pm
Cook Together Eat Together- Continues 6/6 @6pm Zoom, 6/13 @6pm, 6/20 @6pm Zoom, 6/24 @6pm
Craft n’ Creation -June 8th @6pm
Made by You- June 14th @ 10am-2pm
Adult Quilt Camp- June 19-23rd @10am-4pm
Reading between the lines Book Club-June 21st @12pm
Food Preservation: Pressure Canning -June 22nd @6pm
Self Defense-June 24th @9am-6pm
Cooking Through the Calendar- June 28th @10am
Food Preservation: Water Bath Canning -June 28th @6pm


Register Online at https://ukylaurel.pacecommunity.net or by calling (606)864-4167

Join us in congratulating Macedonia in having the largest percentage of members to attend our annual meeting. And a huge congratulations to Mountain Laurel Quilters who had volunteered a combined total of 7,472 hours!

A great time was had by all that attended this years annual Homemaker meeting. Pictured here from left to right is our past President, Sue Dee with our incoming officers Barbie Moren-Secretary, Vicky Greenwell-President, Sheryl Bowling- Vice President, Myra Rachie- Treasurer. We wish our new council congratulations and good luck to the new year.

May Important Dates

Homemaker Club Monthly Dates:

1st Sat -Mountain Laurel Quilters @ 10am
2nd Mon -Laurel Silver Thread Quilters @9am
2nd Mon -Felts Meeting @ 12pm (noon)
2nd Mon -Sublimity Meeting @ 11am
2nd Wed -Rough Creek Meeting @12pm (noon)
2nd Fri -Macedonia Club Meeting @6pm
3rd Sun -Busy Needles @ 2pm


May CLASS and Programs:

May 2nd @2-5pm & 6-9pm Stained Glass Pendant
May 4th Cricut Greeting Cards @6-8pm
May 9-11, 2023 KEHA State Meeting
May 15th @ 6pm General Personal Safety
May 3rd, 17th, 24th, 31st @2pm Walking Wednesday
May 10th @ 10am-2pm Made by You
May 16th @ 6pm Crochet and Chat
May 16th @11am-12pm Laugh & Learn
May 17th @12-1pm Book Club
May 18th @6pm Craft n’ Creation
May 24th @ 6pm Learning New Cuts of Beef
May 23rd & May 30th @6pm Cook Together Eat Together
May 26th @ 11am-2pm Story Book Walk
May 31st @10am Cooking Through the Calendar
May 29th Office Closed

Contact Information

200 County Extension Rd. London, KY 40741-9008

(606) 864-4167
